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Contact Blue Nebula:


Blue Nebula is a music producer from Southampton who has a talent and passion for ambient, house, trance and chill music.


 Since 2017 Blue Nebula has been composing and producing music that can both inspire and calm simultaneously.  Music that will take you on many journeys.  From chilled beats and melodies that settle and unwind your mind, to uplifting songs that stir and inspire your spirit.  Keen to experience all that music can offer Blue Nebula is not afraid to explore both the dark and distant depths of space and the deep abyss of the human psyche.  



From the first album "Delta" to the latest "Portal" and the iconic self titled album, you can listen to some samples below or find Blue Nebula's Bandcamp page HERE


Beyond The Sunset's Aura


Once In A Blue Moon (Album)

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